Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Review of Tamora Pierce's Lioness Quartet

The Lioness Quartet: These four books follow the journey of a young girl Alana. She disguises herself as a boy in order to train as a knight. Eventually, her sex is revealed and she must find the balance between warrior and woman. Along the way, she fights the evil that threatens the realm. I found these books quite interesting. Pierce creates a strong female character that any girl can relate to. There is enough in the way of action and characters to make the plot entertaining without placing a strain on young readers. The books have several quirky characters and a lot of magic; this does not make them so fantastical that they aren't relative. These books are definitely a good read!

Power of the Blog

Blogging is a completely new experience for me. I read blogs to glean information on various topics, but this is the first time I've actually written one. Most people blog to put their opinions out there. They like saying what they think and knowing that their thoughts are available to millions of people. I signed up for this blogging site thinking to make some extra money. But as I was choosing the title and other specifics, I felt a tiny tingle. A little thought, working its way around. People can actually read this. I can write practically anything I want and others will read it! And they will potentially be influenced by it. This is an awesome concept. And a little scary. What if no one reads it? What if my writing is incredibly boring? Can we assign value to ourselves based on how many times our blog or website is visited?